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Hi! Welcome to #HashtagProject’s

Frequently Asked Questions Page:

Who Are our Users?

...are some of the labels that can be applied to our core audiences.
Hi, I’m Arri.  I use social media a lot to promote causes in the world that I believe in and I follow art that has something to say, that is more than just entertainment. I believe art can change the world and that’s why I use #HashtagProject. #ArtMeetsActivismExperience.
Hi, we’re Bob and Tracy. We go to see lots of theater but we’re curious to experience something new, something that doesn’t feel like just another play like everything else out there.  We’re not the most savvy technology users, but we’re excited to learn something new. #NowWeGetHashtagsExperience.
Hi, I’m Jonas. I use #HashtagProject because I like to check out new and novel uses of technology.  I work for a start up in Berlin and after a long day of staring at my computer screen I use #HashtagProject to have a real experience with my friends. #AnalogMeetsDigitalExperience.

How will we reach our Users?

#BuildBrandAwareness: One advantage of building a platform/project over a lengthy period of time, is that it gives us lots of opportunities to get it into our potential audiences’ awareness long before the show opens. 
#CreateOnlineContent: With each stage of development, we will create new pieces of online content that we can share through Youtube, social media, eblasts, and our website.  Like our new promotional trailer.
#BuildInstitutionalPartnerships: As alums of NYU Tisch School for the Arts, we will build on our relationship with the school to work with current students who will help us beta test the interactive and narrative features of the show. By building this relationship, we will engage young audiences who have strong online networks and will help us spread the word about #HashtagProject beyond our pre-existing community.
#OnlineEngagement: We want the website for #HashtagProject to be as fully functional as possible before the show begins.This means that our audiences will hear about the website—a new social media platform for social justice issues—and may not know right away that it is also a work of performance.

#Transmedia: In addition to the press (TV, Radio, Print) and advertising (print, online) of our external publicist, we will create a transmedia campaign which will extend the storyworld outside of the frame of the theater and into real world online structures and social media. This serves not only to make the story itself more immersive for the audience (and blurring the lines between story and reality) but it also increases our reach towards potential audience. The level of engagement of a transmedia campaign goes far beyond normal advertising techniques, and those who become involved in the story world before the performance are much more likely to attend than simply reading a passive advertisement.

#FacebookAds: We typically spend a portion of our marketing budget on online advertising. For #HashtagProject, we anticipate the majority of the budget on targeting theater lovers who actively use social media.
#WordofMouth: Online and off, word of mouth is the strongest driver of audience engagement. #HashtagProject will leverage both conventional and unconventional means to create strong word of mouth before performances begin.
#BrandAmbassadors: The relationships that we build with our student volunteers, other artists, and close supporters during the development process will become the basis for inviting them to come to see the final product and bring groups of people with them.
#PR: We’ll create a comprehensive PR strategy with a publicist that specializes in new works of performance with a social mission. We will pitch preview articles to technology and social issues focused media outlets in addition to traditional performing arts media sources.
#SpecialInvites: We’ll extend special invitations to people who pride themselves on discovering the hot new thing before anyone else and have high word of mouth reach.

Does #HashtagProject have any partners?

So glad you asked! Smoke & Mirrors Collaborative is co-producing and co-creating #HashtagProject with Per Aspera of Berlin, Germany.

Per Aspera is an organization which fills many roles.  As an artistic company, they develop concepts and performances in performance art, theater, and events with very diverse thematics and subject matter, each time working with different international artistic partners based on the particular needs of the production. 

As a production company, they produce various productions in the field of performing arts, specializing in large scale international multi-partner cooperations.

As artistic directors of their own venue, ehemaliges Stummfilmkino Delphi, the former silent film theater Delphi (a protected historic landmark from the 1920’s in Berlin) they curate a diverse program of performing and visual arts, including opera, theater, dance, performance, film, exhibition, concerts, and many crossover events in which genres overlap. They often become involved with the events they curate as co-producers or even artistic collaborators. 

Brina Stinehelfer of Per Aspera, is a curator of the Vorspiel program, of the Transmediale Festival, one of the most established and renown festivals for art and technology worldwide.  #HashtagProject will be scheduled to be part of the 2018 program. This would ensure #HashtagProject a large international audience, as artists and curators come from all over the world to visit the Transmediale festival.

Tell us what you think! We (and our algorithms) love to hear your questions and comments.

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